Our mission & team

The name “VIDAYA” is two words put together. “VIDA” which means “life” in Spanish and “AYA” which means “spirit/soul” in Kichwa (the language of the First Nations of South America).

AYA also means “death” in Kichwa. Death of a part of you that no longer serves your highest good, so you can connect with your inner guide. Connecting with your inner guide is a medicine that you already have within you. Whether you are looking for community, insight, guidance, or support VIDAYA can be your next journey to help you access the wisdom within to light your path along the way.

Wherever we look, we see the effects of polarization and separation, in both our inner and outer worlds. We long for real connection: to live at a deeper and more meaningful level and to connect more authentically with ourselves and others, but depression, anxiety, stress, addiction etc. are at epidemic levels. We feel more alienated and emotionally detached from other people than we ever have before.

VIDAYA is created for you to be called to release and surrender so you can reclaim parts of yourself that have been lost. Here you will be guided to embark upon a journey through your inner guide from a perspective with limitless possibilities, using tools for establishing connection and loving relationships with ourselves and others.


Facilitator / Co - Founder


Holistic nutritionist, yin yoga guide & facilitator

What launched Cecilie’s journey stemmed from her diagnosis of eating disorder, depression, stress and the use of drugs and alcohol, at a very young age. After having counterproductive results with traditional treatments, she explored an alternative path and took her health in her own hands.

Cecilie then started a new chapter that lead her to countless educations within functional medicin, holistic nutrition & yin yoga. She continued on the practice herself mastering these techniques for over 5 years, leading her to curb and control all of her mental diagnoses and misuse of stimulants.

A trip to Mindo, Ecuador made her realize that you can heal yourself with the right guidance. She then founded the lifestyle MINDO – Mindset, Intuition, Nutrition, Destress & Oxygen – 5 holistic principles to take your health into own hands, through which she now guide people to rewire their health.

Ecuador and the meeting with ancestral plant medicine of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador enabled Cecilie to experience even deeper and profound healing. Her renewed sense of self-worth, love, compassion, and empathy for herself enables her to extend those same qualities to others.


Musician, life mentor & facilitator

Chaka or also know as Nicolas Schipper Pérez is a renowned Drummer/percussionist, searcher for ancient sounds and is currently the drummer of the ancestral musical group Heilung. He was born and raised in the Andean mountains in Quito, Ecuador. Since 2018 he has been living in Denmark.

Chaka has a rich blend of South American and European traditions and techniques. He found inspiration from the Andean traditions of Ecuador in South America as well as from shamanic drums from Scandinavia.

Arriving in Europe allowed him to dive in much greater depth into a process of transformation, growth, and awareness that has brought him to the present moment. Delving into the path of personal growth, the search and respect for his roots, his past, ancestral territories, spirituality, meditation the healing power of the drums, reviving pre-hispanic ceramic instruments and connecting with medicinal plants. That was the moment that ARPI was born.

His mission has been taking shape and with this he seal a commitment to continue learning, sharing and be an apprentice of life.


Facilitator / Co - Founder


Production Assistant


Musician, producer, photographer, marketer, administrator

Esteban is a digital creative, dynamic entrepreneur, marketer, music producer, multi-instrumentalist musician, composer and cultural manager. He is passionate about the creation, planning and management of sustainable projects, with 13 years of experience in business, government and cultural initiatives. As a producer of events and digital content for various national and international platforms and brands, Esteban brings a wealth of expertise to every endeavor.

Esteban, plays a key role for the VIDAYA COMMUNITY, he is responsible for marketing and administrative functions, ensuring smooth operations before our retreats. Apart of building marketing strategies and content.

Onside, during retreat weeks, Esteban is a pillar of our production team. Ensuring all activities run smoothly, and as a photographer and videographer, capturing the best moments to create lasting memories. Additionally, Esteban is one of the musicians who leads moments of celebration and ceremony, enriching the retreat with musical talent.


Medicine Woman & Shaman

Avelina Rogel is a Yachay (Wise of the Andes) originally from the Panzaleo and Palta people. She is the bearer of the ancient medicine of the Ecuadorian Andes. Her grandmother and their indigenous community passed on their knowledge to Avelina already from the age of 9 years. Later she expanded her knowledge and was guided by the wise people of several indigenous traditions.

Currently, she is one of the main spiritual authorities of the Ecuadorian indigenous people. She maintains a strong collaboration with the various national and regional organisations of indigenous people, with the aim of strengthening spiritual practice and accompanying the various social struggles in all their forms with her wisdom and the sacred fire.

Avelina is known worldwide and yet she continues her path humble and open to learn from everyone who crosses her path in this life.

Chaka’s mission continues to evolve, marked by a commitment to lifelong learning, sharing knowledge, and being an eternal student of life.







Tayta Isidro has a close connection to the facilitators of VIDAYA as they have been working close together in the jungle. TEAM VIDAYA have a profound respect for first nation people, who through generations has been using and cares about traditional methods. That is why we as facilitators believe that the medicine always should be given by the people who has great experience and has been chosen to do this from a very early age by the plant medicine and the elderly Taita of the community. If, and only if, a plant has chosen them, they become a “Tayta” or “Mama”, which mean spiritual father/mother or spiritual guide. That is why they respectfully asked Taita Isidro to be the guide of the Shamanistic Tea Ceremony.

Tayta Isidro of the Bermejo Cofán Reserve in Ecuador is the leader of his community. He very rarely comes out of the community unless something is calling him. His teachings are descendant of a lineage of Tigrero Curaka Shamans, such as his father, Grandfather Guillermo Lucitante, his Uncle Esteban Lucitante and his Grandfather Elías Lucitante.

He currently performs special and limited healing ceremonies with the sacred medicine in the Amazonas Jungle with the aim that each participant who arrives finds their physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual healing path and inner peace needed in their soul.